Medilink Vet Suppliers

Castrating equipment

Castrating equipment Consist of  burdizzos, castration rings, elastrators

Castration is the removal or inactivation of a male animal’s testicles. Castration is a widely used management method in the beef cattle industry for a variety of reasons, including to:

  • Stop the production of male hormones
  • Prevent unplanned mating
  • Decrease aggression to enhance on-farm safety for handlers and animals
  • Obtain price premiums and/or avoid price discounts from feedlots and meat packers
  • Produce meat with a consistent quality acceptable to consumers (i.e. higher grade, better marbling)
  • Decrease costs of managing bulls (i.e. larger, stronger facilities)


Castrate calves as soon as possible after birth, and before weaning. Avoid castrating during fly and pest season if at all possible.

Castration poses greater health and welfare hazards as an animal ages. As the afflicted tissue region grows larger, the influence on animal performance grows. When compared to animals castrated at or after weaning, castrating bull calves soon after birth enhances animal welfare, health, and feedlot gains, as well as enhanced marbling and tenderness.


Surgical removal of the testes or blocking blood flow to the testes with an elastrator band or a Burdizzo instrument are two common physical techniques of castration. According to research, banding at two months causes less acute pain than surgical castration, but banding at four months causes more persistent pain.

Elastrator banding

Castrating equipment-Elastrator banding entails wrapping a specially constructed rubber ring or latex band around the scrotum, between the testicles and the abdomen, with a specific tool. The testicular blood flow is disrupted, and the testis and scrotum peel off 3-6 weeks later.


The testicular cord is physically crushed through the scrotal skin using a Burdizzo, a specially designed clamp. The testes perish as a result of the disruption of the testicular blood supply caused by the trauma. The scrotum is preserved, the testes decrease over time, and the animal becomes sterile via this method.

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