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The Miracle of Women In Agriculture in Africa

The Miracle of Women In Agriculture in Africa 5 things you need to know Women have been a driving force-a miracle– in agriculture for thousands of years. However, especially in developing countries, women’s role in agriculture has been severely overlooked. Women are the building blocks of our global food system. This means their role is vital to the establishment of food security everywhere. In light of this, here are five things you probably didn’t know […]

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Cattle Nutrition: Five of the Most Important Nutrients For Your Cattle

Cattle Nutrition: Five of the Most Important Nutrients For Your Cattle Cattle nutrition is an important quality that determines their reproductive performance and overall well-being. This is why in this article, we highlighted five of the most important nutrients for your cattle’s diet. Now, there are five key nutrients that should be present in whatever diet plan you choose for your cattle. This is to ensure that the cattle get all the important nutrients that

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