Medilink Vet Suppliers

Author name: John Chege

Why we should give our cows ID cards

Date: July 5, 2016Author: Farmers Trend0 Comments In Kenya, less than 2 per cent of animals are registered making it hard to make good breeding decisions. Many farmers are spending a fortune importing semen from Europe and other countries, do we have quality semen here? Semen from Europe is produced by bulls that have been subjected to a lot of genetic evaluation. They are selected based on a large number of ‘daughters’ they have produced with detailed information […]

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The most profitable Dairy Cow

Date: October 6, 2016Author: pillainc0 Comments Which breed of dairy cow can produce the largest volumes of milk? And which breed will give you the highest amount of milk per kg bodyweight? And the best quality of milk as measured by butterfat and protein percent? These are questions that are easy to answer and few will deny that Holsteins and Jerseys will win above challenges. Much more difficult to answer is the question about the most profitable dairy

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Why establishing lucerne crop is a very good investment for the dairy farmer

Date: October 13, 2016Author: pillainc0 Comments Lucerne, also known as alfalfa, is the single most important fodder crop that a dairy farmer should always have in the farm. The term Alfalfa is an Arabic word meaning “best fodder” because of its palatability and high feeding value. It can substitute up to 80% of commercial feeds purchased for the dairy cow. Despite the immense benefit it can bring many farmers have not seen the need for establishing the crop.

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Calving- 6 Important Things You Need To Know Before Your Cow Gives Birth

Calving- 6 Important Things You Need To Know Before Your Cow Gives Birth Before your cow gives birth, there are six important things you need to know. Calving is the process of birthing a baby cow or bull-called calf. Calving happens in cows after about nine months of pregnancy, just like in humans. Although sometimes, calving may occur much earlier if a cow is exposed to uncomfortable conditions like excessive heat. The calving season in

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How To Make More Income With Livestock Farming

How To Make More Income With Livestock Farming. From history, livestock farming has been a great source of income for human beings. And at present, livestock farming is undoubtedly a money-making business both on a large-scale and small-scale. If you have a livestock production business then here are some ideas to make more money with livestock. 1. Sell milk and dairy products. One of the major ways to make more money from livestock farming is

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