Medilink Vet Suppliers

Author name: John Chege

I Live abroad but my pigs takes care of my Familiy

Date: June 22, 2015Author: Farmers Trend0 Comments A ride on the bumpy murram road from Kolenyo market to Akado village in Seme, Kisumu County, leads me to the home of Mr Ronald Omondi. Omondi is a security supervisor at a hotel in Qatar, but back home in Kolenyo, he rears rabbits, pigs and has a hydroponics project to supplement the animal fodder. Omondi credits his pig-rearing ideas and skills to vast research over the internet. “I have not […]

I Live abroad but my pigs takes care of my Familiy Read More »

Pig Farming Booms in Uganda as Pork Consumption Leads in Africa

Date: August 5, 2015Author: Farmers Trend0 Comments Pig farming in Uganda has recently emerged as a lucrative enterprise thanks to a growing demand for pork in a country that leads in pork consumption in Sub Saharan Africa with statistics from FAO and ILRI indicating a 3.43kg per capita consumption. The demand for pork in Uganda is driven by the social lifestyle of the locals. Many pork consumers prefer it to other types of meat especially in social gathering

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African Livestock- Realizing the potential of livestock for food security, poverty reduction and the environment

Date: August 24, 2015Author: Farmers Trend0 Comments A study published last year indicates the potential for the growth in livestock production and demand in Africa to contribute greatly to the continent’s employment and economy as well as to the resilience and productivity of its many livestock keepers. David Nabarro, Special Representative of the UN Secretary General on Food Security and Nutrition and Special Envoy on Ebola, directed the development and implementation of the study. Nabarro says that “As

African Livestock- Realizing the potential of livestock for food security, poverty reduction and the environment Read More »

Nyando Composite Goat breed promises high yields

Date: June 4, 2015Author: Farmers Trend1 Comment Its copious fur and big ears make it look like half a goat, half a sheep. The new animal being bred by farmers in Nyando, Kisumu County, has become a sensation. The animal is a cross between the Small East African (SEA) goat and the Galla goat. “In the long run, it will be referred to as the Nyando Composite Goat,” says Julie Ojango, an animal genetics and breeding scientist at

Nyando Composite Goat breed promises high yields Read More »

Understanding Dry Cow Therapy

Date: June 22, 2016Author: Farmers Trend0 Comments Introduction Dry cow therapy (DCT) is the treatment of cows at the end of lactation with a long acting antibiotic preparation with or without a teat sealant. This is to treat for any intra-mammary infections (IMI) contracted during lactation and provides protection against new infections during the dry period. Dry cow therapy is a component of the five point plan. Infection dynamics During a cows lactation, the probability of infection increases from

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