Medilink Vet Suppliers

Author name: John Chege

MEDILINK ON Brookside Livestock Breeders Show and Sale

Date: June 21, 2013Author: Farmers Trend2 Comments Breeding livestock creates wealth. Ask any livestock farmer and you will know! Please read on… This year, the Brookside Livestock Breeders Show and Sale 2013 is going down at the ASK showgrounds and MEDILINK as one of the participants invites you to come to this magnificent showcase of the very best in livestock. Brookside Livestock Breeders Show and Sale is the leading show in the region where Kenya’s and the regions superior breeds are on […]

MEDILINK ON Brookside Livestock Breeders Show and Sale Read More »

All about hoof trimming a cattle

Date: May 30, 2016Author: Farmers Trend0 Comments Hoof trimming is a bit tough, rough and delicate – hence the need for training. The cow has to be physically contained in a cage then it is tied to reduced movement, and then its leg is raised using a special machine.  The trimmer carefully uses sharp hoof knives to slice off the excess layers. At times a grinder is needed too to flatten the hoof evenly. If the hoof has

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Dorper sheep providing to be a superior breed that rekindles sheep rearing in Kenya

Date: May 8, 2015Author: Farmers Trend1 Comment A sheep breed that adapts well to tough climatic conditions and matures faster than the ordinary sheep is enjoying fanatical uptake by farmers especially due to its low fat quality meat with farmers getting returns of upto Sh10, 000 per sheep. Known as dorper, the sheep is said to be hardy and performs well in dry areas. These unrivaled traits have seen the resuscitation of sheep farming in the country which

Dorper sheep providing to be a superior breed that rekindles sheep rearing in Kenya Read More »

When his hens offered smaller eggs, farmers got worried. Well he dug up a lot that will make you understand all about egg sizes

Date: May 4, 2016Author: Farmers Trend0 Comments I had never thought much about what determines the size of a chicken egg until last week. Kyalo, my new worker, greeted me that morning with a crate full of eggs the size of those of a quail bird. Okay, you had not heard much about Kyalo because he joined the enterprise a few months ago and he has been on probation, meaning if I had written about him, perhaps I

When his hens offered smaller eggs, farmers got worried. Well he dug up a lot that will make you understand all about egg sizes Read More »

My broilers weigh six kilos- Success story of Ann Walubengo

Date: May 26, 2015Author: Farmers Trend1 Comment The roosters at a recent farmers’ exhibition in Nakuru drew crowds. The visitors marvelled at the size of the five birds that dwarfed the hens that were in an adjacent cage. Ann Walubengo, the farmer, fielded questions from the curious visitors. Many asked her about the weight of the huge cocks, which looked like a crossbreed of turkeys, what she feeds them, and about their breed. Her answers surprised them. The

My broilers weigh six kilos- Success story of Ann Walubengo Read More »

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