Medilink Vet Suppliers

Restraining & Trimming Equipment

Restraining & trimming equipment consist of bull rings, anti cow kicker bar, anti cow chain, cattle halter, woolshears…

For a variety of reasons, animal restraint is the technique of restraining an animal or a group of animals from acting or moving, such as fleeing or attacking. For examinations, treatments, and milking, an animal may need to be restrained. Moral persuasion, physical force, and chemical techniques can all be used to accomplish restraint. Most restraint methods using physical force or the use of a cane have become obsolete since they are unnecessarily difficult and harmful to both the operator and the animal.

Verbal restraint

Even if the command is unfamiliar, many dogs recognize authority and know some orders. SIT, STAY, COME, DOWN, NO, and even HEEL can be effective strategies for getting a dog to cooperate.

Physical restraint

Physical restraint may be required to control or restrain the animal; this may need to be done in conjunction with pharmacologic restraint. In some cases, physical restraint or control may be required, such as:

To avoid a worsening of an incident, particularly if human life or safety are at risk
To allow an ensnared animal to be liberated; to transport an animal from a dangerous situation to a safe location.
To protect emergency responders from harm
When it comes to giving the animal first aid

Approaching & handling of cattle 

The cows are usually tied in a double or single row in byres, with the cows approached from the right side.

• The expressions near and off do not apply to cattle.

• To examine the head of a horned cow, an assistance standing nearby should first take the horn and hold the nostrils, keeping the head upright.

• Always secure the horns before grabbing the nostrils.

• Bull holders or bull dogs can be used to confine a bull /cow’s nostril.

• When approaching it, it’s always best to chat to it and pat its back.

A bull pole or bull leader can be used to restrict the animal. Bulls should always be secured before approaching.
• Instead of a pole, ropes can be utilized. It’s also possible to use a halter. A bull mask may be worn on occasion.
• A bull mask can help them see straight by obstructing their vision. It is constructed of thick leather and a thin metal sheet. It sits on the front of the head and is held in place by a noseband and two straps that are buckled around the horn.

Simple restraint of cattle

• Nose Ring
• Milkman’s rope
• Bull holders
• Bull leader
• Nose String
• Udder kinch

Trimming equipment

Restraining & trimming equipment, wool shears is an excellent assistant tool a farmer can use . It’s simple to use and cuts cleanly with little effort. High productivity.
Sharp and long-lasting, made of high-quality steel. The design, craftsmanship, and performance of these hand shears are unrivaled.
Sheep goat wool, leather, and grass can all be chopped using this multipurpose tool. Also suitable for use in the kitchen, such as cut chicken, fish, and so on…

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